GREEN does not always mean more expensive.

If you so desire, with EppiPeople you can now organize a Green Version Event, in line with your reduced budget requirements.

To protect the environment, it is important to learn how to live and to CONSUME in a more efficient and eco-friendly way; EppiPeople believes that doing business in an ecologically aware way is possible, and provides an opportunity for all. The EppiPeople - GreenVersion division allows clients to choose events based on environmental sustainability and ecology, thus reducing our debt to nature.

Any event, great or small, can transmit to its participants ethical values and examples of good practise in order to seriously consider the possibility of staging, in Italy and abroad, sustainable events capable of providing further value to traditional communication.


Here are the first steps EppiPeople has made towards a greener world:

  • Limiting the use of traditional mailings, and going paperless at the office;
  • Using only recycled paper;
  • Using printers with low environmental impact for energy savings, and two-sided printing;
  • Using low-energy light bulbs;
  • Encouraging waste sorting at the office;
  • Sending our offerings in electronic format;
  • Developing electronic advertising material that is easily downloadable from the site.

Guests are won over at the table. And today, thanks to collaboration with catering and creativity professionals, EppiPeople can organize:

  • Catering and Events
  • Cuisine and Sushi
  • Bar service
  • Cakes and Cookies

Meeting the most specific, sophisticated, and modern needs, with constant attention to quality and style.
All this is available at your own place!
And all strictly HANDMADE, with top-quality materials and ingredients!


We offer:
Meetings - Company parties - Gala evenings - Inaugurations - Conventions - Product launches - Home dinners - Private Events & Weddings

L’esperienza maturata negli anni, e gli ottimi rapporti stabiliti con collaboratori e partner d’eccezione, ci consentono di supportare le esigenze organizzative di un qualsiasi evento in ogni suo aspetto.

Dal piccolo dettaglio, all’organizzazione in toto, EppiPeople garantisce sempre l’eccellenza a prezzi vantaggiosi.

Traduzioni e interpretariato in tutte le lingue
Accompagnatori e guide turistiche in lingua
Segretaria multilingue
Corsi di italiano per stranieri
Corsi di lingua


Hostess e Steward IN TUTTE LE LINGUE per: Convegni, fiere e mostre
Servizio accoglienza (aeroporti e hotel) e accompagnamento ospiti
Servizio VIP
Promoters e ragazze Immagine

Impianti audio, video e luci
per qualsiasi tipologia di evento
Impianti di traduzione simultanea anche portatili (bidule)
Registrazione su supporti analogici e digitali
Conference System
Video proiezione
Video conferenza
Riprese video a circuito chiuso, casting, regia, montaggio e speakeraggio
Sistema di Votazione elettronica
Sistemi di rilevamento presenze Seggio elettronico Noleggio
Computer & accessory

Allestimenti e realizzazione stand Cartellonistica e segnaletica personalizzata Allestimento palchi
Cura degli spazi espositiva ed allestimenti ad hoc
Biglietteria aerea
Prenotazione alberghiera, aerea e ferroviaria
Reception Gestione mailing list e recall
Organizzazione trasferimenti
Accoglienza e Hospitality desk
Assistenza in loco
Assistenza telefonica 24h su 24h
Programma sociale
Programma per accompagnatori
Organizzazione dei trasporti
Servizi di vigilanza

Ufficio Stampa
Promozione aziendale (brochure monografie di presentazione, presentazione animata su supporti digitali)
Produzione pubblicitaria (depliant, locandine, manifesti, pagine pubblicitarie)
Immagine coordinata (marchi, logotipi, carta intestata, modulistica, biglietti da visita)
Progettazione e creazione pagine web Indicizzazione sul web
Produzione divulgativa (cartelli, news letter, inviti, volantini)
Oggetti promozionali (calendari, agende, espositori da tavolo,contenitori)

Servizio navetta da/per aeroporto

Noleggio con conducente

Noleggio auto e pullman

Organizing a successful event means first of all believing in the value of the people who work for that.

EppiPeople bases its activities on a team of collaborators and partners with specific linguistic and technical skills for the Ideation, Design, Organization and Management of Events, Congresses, Conferences, Company Meetings, Seminars, Workshops, Round Tables, Events, Corporate Cocktails, Receptions.

The best possible efficiency, at the best cost.

The good organization of any event in all its steps (from reception, to technical assistance ...) is a fundamental part in the success of a communication project.

Our goal is to always provide a solution that reflects the actual needs of the customer, guaranteeing maximum efficiency, the best rates, the highest quality,
from the presentation of the project to the client, to the care of the entire preparatory phase, up to its development, EppiPeople manages all the phases: choice of times and places, printing of programs, setting up of the offices, management of administrative aspects, management of mailing lists, coordination of assistance staff, press conferences, preparation of final balance sheets, deeds, press reviews, thanks, in constant dialogue with the client.

Because dialogue with our customer is the basis for the excellence of any result.