Conferences and Events
Eppipeople holds Events and Conferences throughout Italy, handling organization in all its phases, from pre-conference secretariat to end-of-event reporting, in keeping with the conception, design, and on-site management.
Events, Conferences, Conventions, corporate Meetings, Seminars, Workshops, Round Tables, Demonstrations, corporate Cocktails, Receptions, Webinars, and Digital and hybrid events.
From presenting the project to overseeing its entire preparatory stage as well as its actual execution, EppiPeople manages all the phases: location search and selection, planning the programme, budget management and control, site set-up, managing administrative aspects, managing address books, coordinating assistance staff, holding press conferences, and preparing the financial accounts, minutes, press review, and acknowledgements, in constant dialogue with the customer.
Our goal is at all times to provide a solution that reflects the customer’s actual needs, while guaranteeing the utmost efficiency, the best rates, and the highest quality.
Eventi, Congressi, Convegni, Meeting aziendali, Seminari, Workshop, Tavole Rotonde, Manifestazioni, Cocktail aziendali, Ricevimenti, webinar ed eventi digitali e ibridi.
Dalla presentazione del progetto, alla cura di tutta la fase preparatoria, fino al suo svolgimento, EppiPeople gestisce tutte le fasi: ricerca e selezione della location, pianificazione del programma, controllo e gestione del budget, allestimento delle sedi, gestione degli aspetti amministrativi, gestione degli indirizzari, coordinamento del personale di assistenza, realizzazione conferenze stampa, predisposizione dei bilanci consuntivi, degli atti, della rassegna stampa, dei ringraziamenti, in un dialogo costante con il committente.
Il nostro obiettivo è quello di fornire sempre una soluzione che rifletta le esigenze effettive del cliente, garantendogli il massimo dell’efficienza, le migliori tariffe, la qualità più alta,
Preparing the expense budget
Financial management of the event
Site search
Managing, recording, and collecting entry fees

The pandemic may have changed the event landscape, but not our desire to guarantee skill and professionalism in the digital events world, too. Our technology offers various types of Live Broadcast Streaming that can help create the right format for your event. Using systems like CISCO WEBEX, ZOOM, GO TO MEETING, BLUEJEANS, SKYPE, etc., we can continue to plan and organize events.